The knowledge and tools to help you troubleshoot, optimize, and give preventive support to your biological treatment.
AnoxKaldnes Services help you identify problems and suggest solutions, make plans for how to handle future changes, and get the most out of your biological process.
Get access to scientists at our well-equipped laboratory, different types of microscopes, and extensive experience in biological processes for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment.
These include biofilm processes and activated sludge processes.

The methodology is developed in each specific case in collaboration with the client.
The methods used by our specialists include:
- Evaluation of operational data
- Extended analytical programs
- Diagnostic microscopy
- Biological batch-tests
- Mapping of microflora
ANOXLife Service Contracts
For AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR processes we offer ANOXLife Service Contracts for optimal preventive support. If you are operating an AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR plant, please contact us for a tailor-made offer.

Eva Tykesson