Education and training

Train your operators and engineers in topics from microbiology and different treatment processes to how to troubleshoot your treatment plant. All delivered as in-depth lectures and hands-on troubleshooting.
Education and Training

Deepen your knowledge of biological wastewater treatment

Basic course in microbiology and wastewater treatment

A course dedicated to microorganisms in your biological wastewater treatment process. Learn how to keep them happy and how to get rid of unwanted guests. We have held this course in Swedish for over 30 years and since 2018 offered it also in English. This basic course treats topics from microbiology and different types of treatment processes to how to troubleshoot your treatment plant. Whether you are a process operator/process engineer or working in sales, process design, commissioning or engineering design, you will enjoy the coverage of topics, the in-depth lectures, and the hands-on troubleshooting.


We have no planned course in English at the moment, however, feel free to fill in this form if you are interested in attending a course.


Grundkurs: Mikrobiologi och avloppsvattenrening

Vår grundkurs Mikrobiologi och avlopps­vattenrening har under åren haft över 900 deltagare från kommun och industri i Norden. Kursen riktar sig till dig som på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med biologisk avloppsvattenrening och behandlar allt från grundläggande mikrobiologi och olika typer av biologiska reningsprocesser till hur man kan felsöka sitt reningsverk. En halvdag spenderas dessutom vid mikroskopet, där deltagarna under hand­ledning får upptäcka den spän­nande värld där bakterier och mikro­djur lever.

För aktuell information om kursen, se vår svenska hemsida.



Linn Malmquist

Linn Malmquist

Process Engineer
Phone: +46 46 18 21 88
E-mail: [email protected]